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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Set own OEM information

This(marked area) is OEM(original equipment manufacturer) info provided by my laptop manufacturer.

Do you want this kind info like Manufacturer, Model no. etc. or want to edit these kind info?

Okay. Here is the trick (not discovered by me but modified by me):
  • Copy the following codes to notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation] "Model"="Enter model name" "Manufacturer"="Enter manufacturer name" "Logo"="\\windows\\System32\\oobe\\logo.bmp"

  • Marked area on the codes are for your editing, you can write anything..
  • save it as any file name.reg
  • After saving double click on it.
  • Now choose a photo for the logo or download it from internet. After downloading right click on it and clik on edit. On MS paint resize it to 215x215 or less and save it as .BMP and the file name must be 'logo' (according to my example)..
  • Now move the picture to: C:\Windows\System32\oobe
  • Thus you've done, to see it goto: Control Panel\System and Security\System

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