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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Get Sms when Ur Destop Starts !!!

Process Notifier is a free program which send a email notificationwhen a particular task or process gets started, closes, found or notfound in Windows.But in this post iam describe how to use that simple software for Getsms alerts when your computer startsStep 1 ), Download and install the tiny software, (for installing useonly double click on the file, no more steps),Double clickProcessNotifier.exe and run the program. Right click the task trayicon and select "E-mail Settings."(For 32bit environment users, use the file in the x86 folder. For64bit environment, use the file in the x64 folder.)

Step 2 ) Go to the Message tag and enter an Email address forreceiving notifications in the "Send To (Email Address)" field.

If you are using gmail id give the following (use authentication)SSL: Yes,Port: 465
If you are using hot mail id give the following settings
Hotmail Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) – (TLS enabled, port 587)
Next, click "Processes to Monitor" from the tray menu/.

In the first field, "Process name to check," enter the process name tomonitor such as file.exe.In the next drop down list, "Notify when theprocess is" choose the timing when you want to be notified. If "NotFound" is selected, when the program scans running processes andcannot find the specified process name, it will send you an E-mailmessage. Press "Add" and then "Save".

That's all. However, if you like to test that a process scan works andsends E-mail, go to "Scan Processes Now" from the tray menu and click"OK."Dont forget to drag the software to startmenu–>start upSee the Screenshots of the received mailDont forgot to remove tik mark form Preferences–> E mail notification.
U wil ge a mail , And also the text Sms to mOBILE Whn PC starts .

y8, btjunkie, games

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