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Sunday, February 26, 2012

How to find the ip Addresses from skype yahoo and msn

  • First off lets get this clear, its going take you a little to get used to this program so don't be mad if you mess up pulling the IP. Second i suggest if its your first time trying to pull a IP Don't try it on the person that you want to hit off the most just in case you mess up.

The Program we will be using today is called smart sniff the download links are at the bottom. Smartsniff is a network packet analyze it monitors all the incoming and out going data thats going through your PCI Card or WiFi Card. In most cases if its not P2P Such as a IM there will be 2 IPs the one For The server of the Instant Message Provider and The Other IP will be theirs. Now in cases that you want to pull someones IP Straight from Teamviewer that would be very easy.

Open Up all the programs you need so i have Xfire Open Putty And Smart Sniff Open and Ready to go

After that log in or if your all ready logged in select your VIC that you want to pull the IP From open up a chat and ill give an example of what you do

All you do is Spam but remember you must click the Green Play button on smart sniff before you do that way it grabs the data/packets the picture below will help you under stand more

Once you have there IP Feel free to Hit them offline or pull there Location and fuck with them all you want

I suggest if your using Skype or AIM To go into a call with them because the packets will Increase Rapidly and you will be able to pull there IP Really quick :)

Downloads: Smartsniff Here

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